成长汉语(二)--Growing Up with Chinese(2)

4.3 ( 5903 ratings )
Ensino Livros
Developer: TOMMM
2.99 USD

《成长汉语》通过美国中学生Mike在中国的生活、学习经历,展示了中国的学校、家庭以及文化生活习俗。内容围绕主人公在不同场景的活动进行,包括家庭生活、学校生活、同学交往等内容,注重内容的趣味性、科学性和实用性。 本书充分体现了“成长”的主题,坚持循序渐进的教学原则,重视培养学生的听、说、读、写技能和综合运用语言的能力,增加青少年儿童学习的积极性和主动性。《成长汉语》适用于在华国际学校和母语为非汉语的外国青少年儿童的汉语教学,也能满足外国青少年儿童短期学习汉语的需求。同时,也可供中国青少年儿童学习掌握双语之用。
Growing Up with Chinese is Chinese language-teaching series. In the series, you’ll not only be taught the language basics, but also be encouraged to explore the cultural background. You’ll be learning Chinese with Xiao Ming, Lan Lan and Mike, and seeing them grow up with Chinese! It’s entertaining, fun and easy to follow.
The series comprises one hundred episodes.In each episode, the audience will earn three main phrases. The three phrases will be explained by our host Charlotte MacInnis, and then illustrated in animated dialogues. Each episode also includes a segment exploring a specific aspect of Chinese culture, life, or history. At the end of the episode, the host may answer questions and respond to comments submitted via the show’s website.

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